Professor Ann Cools Skulderkurs

Oslo, 14.-15. desember 2023

Arrangør: Smertebehandling AS. Påmelding gjøres direkte til Smertebehandling AS v/ Knut Indahl. Følg lenken nederst på siden.


Shoulder Rehabilitation


Torsdag 14 –fredag 15 desember 2023 Oslo.


Prof dr Ann Cools, PT, PhD    Dept of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University Belgia.

Torsdag 14. desember 0900-1700

Clinical Reasoning in patient examination

New insights in shoulder pathology (theoretical session)

Rotator cuff tendinopathy
Biceps pathology – SLAP lesions
Glenohumeral Internal Rotation deficit as a possible cause of shoulder dysfunction (GIRD)
The role of scapular dysfunction in shoulder pain
Clinical examination: from impingement symptoms to the underlying pathology. (practical session)

Clinical Reasoning (clinical algorithm )

Clinical tests for instability, rotator cuff pathology, biceps pathology, scapular dysfunction, …
Diagnostic value of commonly used shoulder tests

Fredag 15. desember  0900-1700

Clinical Reasoning and practice in shoulder rehabilitation (theoretical + practical session)

General rehabilitation principles (the role of proprioception, co-contraction, eccentric training, exercise modalities…)
Progressive stability training for shoulder instability (anterior (TUBS), multidirectional (AMBRI), functional overload instability (AIOS))
Manual mobilisation and stretching techniques for impingement and GIRD
Scapular rehabilitation exercises (strength + muscle balance)

Kinetic chain approach in overhead athletes with shoulder injury



Pris: Kr. 5 200,-

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