Baseline Pinch Gauge Hydraulic Lite

Varenr: 12-0226
Baseline Pinch Gauge Hydraulic Lite Baseline Pinch Gauge Hydraulic Lite Baseline Pinch Gauge Hydraulic Lite
3 419,-

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Baseline® LiTE® hydraulic pinch gauge has a 50 pound capacity. Unit has red body and 2-1/2" analog gauge. Unit has 1 year manufacturer's warranty. The pinch gauge uses a hydraulic system to assure convenience, product reliability and measurement accuracy and repeatability. Therapist can support the pinch gauge during testing, yielding a more accurate result  for all pinch tests. Use for tip, key and palmer tests. Maximum reading remains until the unit is reset. The Baseline® pinch gauge is made in USA and the results are consistent with published Baseline® and Jamar® studies. The strength reading can be viewed as pounds or kilograms. CE Certified. Comes in a protective carrying case.